Journey to Hampapura and Exploring our Friends Farm (Near to Kabini Backwaters)...

It was a Saturday Morning around 11:00 a.m I with Uncle aunty and sister Decided to Actually Explore Kabini Backwater and First we need to Explore Hampapura to Visit Our Friends Farm House...we got Ready By 11:00 a.m in Morning and we took few Materials and gadgets and Chargers we Left home around 11:25 a.m we took Straight Route via Ring Road which is around 35km by Road we Left a 25minutes late and reached around 12:10 p.m to the Circle Near Hampapura we Crossed the Curvy Roads at the Moderate speed of 85km/h on Highways we reached the Check post in 45minutes Probably fewer Traffic Conditions which has made us reach the Destination soon and after reaching the Destination we called our Friend to take to his Farm " He said Follow me I will Take u " We Followed him around another 4km we need to Travel for our Friends Farms House...we need to pass through Hampapura Nearby Villages the Roads are Curvy & small which was in between the farmlands huge Grasslands on both the side we were Moving in Between those and Road were Maintained well till the Entrance of farm house around 10minutes of Drive we reached our Friends farm House which is nearest to backwaters of Kabini we need to walk around 700 Meters in Mud to Reach the View of Backwaters....we will go...reached our Friends farm at around afternoon 12:45 p.m in afternoon...
In the Hot Climate, we were Exploring the Farm Land of our Friends which had Beautiful Trees and Plants and Vegetable plants and also Touchminot Plants it was around 15 Acer of Farm Land wherever u see its Full of Green on both the side of Farm Land and Fresh air coming from one side of the Farm Land and it was bit Hot Climate Conditions I and my sister were Exploring Different Types of Plants and also the Path was Muddy & wet bcoz of Heavy rain last Night this land is very Close to Nagarhole Forest and our Friend Grows Stray Dogs a lot and our Friend says lots of animals may come During Nighttime for food he told us once there was a Black bear standing behind the tree at midnight the Dogs were Barking Loudly "Our Friend came out and saw when he torched the Light there was something Moving Black in Colour he torched the Light again he saw Bear face which was scary seeing it Suddenly at Midnight he was shocked and ran inside but the bear was alone the "Stray dogs grown by our Friend were in Group so when the group of Dogs barked the bear saw few Minutes and went through forest side our friend infromed Forest Department Regarding the issues they told him not to come out unnecessarliy bcoz the land is just around Few Kilometers from Forest....
for safety purpose, the officer gave Number and also told to be cautious when animals come from forest During the night...
The Overall Look of Our Friends farm wonderful place and caution things are River Flowing Continuously During Rainy season water may come inside the Farmland & also very Close to Nagarhole Forest animals Movements is More During Night which will be Precautionary things he is undergoing...we explored our friend's farm for few hours we were watching our steps and Moving "Bcoz of wet Mud layer which was skiddy and wet to Move on but somehow we managed them... we taught of halting in our Friends farm House enjoying the Climate and wonderful place...hours passed by
At the evening around 16:45 pm, we had a few wonderful View of Nature before the sunlight was going down the Green Grass Land Below which was wet and sunLight shines at the water which was wonderful to watch the Green grass was really Beautiful and also nature which made us happy on the opposite side of Farm... we really completed the wonderful evening at the Friends farm...after having wonderful Look at nature we tried to explore Kabini Backwaters which was around 700meters by walk from Friends farm the place was Kabini River Flows the path till the river was like Muddy and skiddy and there were some huge rocks which look scary and wonderful to see the View u need to cross the Huge rocks which have patchy and wet due to overflow of the river which was a difficult Experience to walk around that we stoped suddenly "our Friend said can u hear the Noise the River Flowing sound huge it was Flowing very fast the season was a rainy season we explored the backwaters which was dangerous during rainy season we by mistake have Visited this place during rainy seasons and we safe return to safe area near backwaters the flow was very high and the Current Flow was High which made us shock and made us Return to safe area.... and then after few Minutes passed by we reached a place where there was only sugarcane Plants which was wonderful and were very Huge in Height which made us to spent even Few More Minutes at our Friends Farm an Hour the time was almost 18:00 pm how sun was going down "The Dark Clouds Staring to Cover "the Climate was Overcast Conditions which made us Feel it would rain ....
the evening was very Beautiful and Loved the nature around we had some walk in the Farm which made us Feel wonderful in Fresh air Breezing on one side and the trees around were dancing which was wonderful to watch .....evening we were Enjoying The Fresh air with Overcast Conditions which made me happy to walk around the Farm Behind me was Full of Green Land on all the Four Side which made me Feel a Beautiful Look and behind me, around 15km on the Right-hand Side is Nagarhole Forest where the animals come and enter the Farmland...During Night in between the land, there is a Muddy Road which will Reach us to Kabini Back Water view...
we also had some Fun in Jeep which we Drove in Muddy Surface making us Feel Bumpy .....we Really enjoyed a Full day at our Friends Farm House we Experienced a Lot of Things how Sugarcane plant is Maintained we had a wonderful Experience in Hampapura....the Time was around 6:00 pm in the evening we are ready to Return Home...the View near the Bridge was Wonderful to watch the River Flowing and Sunlight which was amazing Nature loved it...
bcoz at around 7:30 pm we may reach Home and said goodbye to Our Friend and told we will Explore once again and left the Farm House we are on the way to Home Crossed Hampaura and few Minutes passed by we Crossed HD.KOTE Check post and entered the Ring road time was around 7:00 pm when we reached ring road and by 7:20 pm we reached home... the Things I Learnt in this Short Journey was " Not to Travel during rainy season bcoz its a High-risk area and Secondly, I loved the nature like Fresh air and cool Overcast Climate which was wonderful thing I experienced and also we learnt how to walk in wet Muddy Surface and experienced how to Face Different Challenges like that and also Learnt how Farmers Grow and work in the Farm Land....and its was wonderful and Beautiful Journey to Hampapura which I experienced and see u all in another Travel Experience of My Until then Baye Baye.....
nice article Bro 👌
DeleteNice 👍