My Journey to Mysore Dasara Exhibition and Exploring Exhibition

My Journey to Mysore Dasara Exhibition and Exploring Exhibition 

Hi, Freinds Welcome to another Travel Experience of my today am Going to Explain My Travel Experience to Mysore Dasara Exhibitions which is around 10km From My Location we Decided as an entire Family Trips Getting Ready for another Travel Experience of was evening around 5:30 pm we are getting Ready to Exhibitions 10km is Short But to cross the Traffic Conditions During Dasara time was Heavy but we Decided to Leave Earlier so it's going to be an amazing Experience Minutes Passed By the time was around 5:45 pm we Left Home and Started My Journey to Exhibition ... we need to pass-through a Moderate Traffic Conditions the Route is Exactly 10km From My location...crossed the Circle and Moved through Mysore -Hunsur Highway and we need to pass Through Ramsamy Circle and Mall of Mysore and we are Moving at the Speed of 75km/hour with Moderate Traffic Conditions and Few Minutes Passed by we Reached Ramsamy Circle and Next Circle I need to Take Left and Move on towards MG Road which will take us to Exhibitions Grounds Parking area...moving on via MG Road Crossed Agarahara Circle " Moderate Traffic Conditions Crossed and Joined the MG Road Minutes Passed by at 6:15 pm Reached Destination " Exhibition Parking the Car in Parking area green Land we need to walk around 750meters to the Entrance Gate and Ticket Counter few Meters Near Parking there was not Much Crowd But Reaching the Entrance there was Crowd Bcoz its Sunday that's to Dasara time so we are early to Reach the Exhibition...
The View at the Entrance of the Exhibition wonderful Late Evening with Clear Sky and Cool Climate Conditions... which was wonderful to Start and Going Forward on the Right side we Started with Fountains there were Around 10 of them with Colourful Lights and Some were Colour Changing... 
which was wonderful View Like this
First, we Saw a Single Colour Fountain with one Light which was an amazing thing to Start with...and Moving Straight towards Sky Cycling which is @ the Start of the Exhibition...its a Round from the Sky Cycle u need to Pedal and Round the Circle...from Top the View of Exhibition was wonderful...
The View From Top The Beauty of Entrance of Exhibitions and wonderful the Boating were Taking Place...wonderful Scenes the Light of the Fountain was Changing every 2 Minutes one which was Awesome to watch... Another View of the Boating area when Light Colour Changed which was Like this...

and Minutes passed by we Started Exploring Few Shops for juices and we almost had a Juice at Juice shop which was wonderful to Start u Need to walk...and Explore any adventure activity at the Start of Exhibition we are Experiencing Few Shops which are Selling few Items, and also which also Includes Few Food Stalls, and Gifts Shops these were the First to Explore...walking towards the Adventure Play Area for More Fun 😂before Exploring Adventure Play area we had a wonderful Group of Family Pic near a Building which was an architecture Temple Designed...
Some were Taking selfie Behind us and some were passing on the path...But somehow my Uncle Managed to Click one Short and there were Lots of Crowds.... while Moving we didn't Notice but when we Stopped for a few Minutes we Noticed a Lots of People Moving...and after taking a Click we Moved on towards Mirror Maze " which was Surrounded my Mirror all the Four side u need to Find one Path to Get Out the Building... " My Sister got Confused in The Mirror which was Funny to watch... and the Things i and My Brother did was Looking at the top so we got to Clue to Exit the Building😂.....But Very Interesting and Very Funny to start the Adventure Play area ha ha ha ha ha lol😂😂😂😂 and next we are Just a Few Meters away from Reaching the Adventure Play area where the Fun is Going to Be more..... before Going to Adventure Play area we "Stopped for a Baji, and some samosa which was with wonderful smell Came While Boiling in Oil... "Felt to Experience one! " Having Hot Samosa with Baji which was Yummy the Cold air Breezing on the Sky and Having Hot Baji, & Samosa which is Hot Spicy and Yummy...after having Baji & samosa we are Moving towards Adventure Play area in Starting we Found "Dragon Train and Break Dance which is Wonderful things to Start Our Adventure Play area...
the View from the Dragon Train the Beautiful of Gaint wheel which was amazing to View...the Beauty of Gaint wheel and the Surrounding atmosphere " with People Noise From Gaint Wheel and sound of Dragon Train which was an atmosphere with Joyful Sounds all around the Place...and Next one is the Down and Up arrow which is a 90Degree one...only 4 per side is allowed to sit which is Like Lifter and takes u 90 Degree top...from the Top u can see the View of Entire Exhibition which was an amazing View we got and Experienced...
From the top of the Lifter, the View of Entire Exhibitions which was an amazing View the People were Very small going up the Sound of the People and Sound of other adventure Missions were Not Loud as it was in The Ground...

we could also see Chamundi Hills and Exhibitions full area the Lights were Wonderful and Cool to Observe from top....we are Stopped for 5minutes @ one Position top and minutes passed by while Coming down it was Slow and " the Surrounding Atmosphere Noise Started to Hear Slowly till we came down...and after Getting down from the Lifter we had some Fun @ Break Dance and we are Next Moving towards the Gaint Wheel which is @ the Opposite Side Dead-end of Lifter which was a Colour Changing which was amazing to View....we are Standing in queue to Have Fun next " u Need to Buy Separate tickets for each and every adventure games... 
From the Top of 2nd Gaint wheel which is Huge in size as compared to another one, the Seating Capacity is More and Very Big in Size...the Other Side View of the Exhibitions the Gaint Wheel View which was an amazing View... and Getting Down was a Taking Time bcoz first to Getdown is the People Below Seating and top Batch need to wait... and Minutes Passed By we are Down Finally...and Moving Towards the Haunted House " Near Haunted House is a Frog Ride " Which is Like Dargon Train and we are walking towards " Haunted House... and on the Left Hand Side we Could see a Gorilla which was Standing and its Eyes were red " ha ha ha ha ha lol " its a Doll gave Movements and Sounds which was awesome and Funny to watch...
this was Given for the Animal Kingdom which was Given Movements with Remote " Make it Look Real... which is Before Haunted House...and on the Right Hand Side, we saw 3D Selfie zone with Popular Destinations Designed in 3D Which was wonderful to watch on the Right Hand Side... 
and we are now on the way to the Haunted House a scary Monster Poster was Designed was Made it Look So Scary and Thrilling...and on the Right Side, we Could See the Beauty of the 3D Building which was an amazing View from Other Side " Entering inside Haunted the Entrance of the Haunted House we saw Two Guys with Ghost Costume...were Hiding Behind the Door and were Trying to Scare People " Haunted House Means the Scary Scenes comes in everyone Mind... so these Guys were masked and wanted to do Fun some Came Behind us and some were Sitting Like a Statue "  clashing two Plates and Bottles and Making Different Sounds...
 to Create door Clashing sounds and many...finally Minutes passed by we came out and on the Right side " we had some Shooting and ring throwing on Objects and ball Movements " if u put Correctly u will Win the Prizes " we almost Did few and moved on Bcoz "  rain we need to Find a Safe Place before its gets Heavy " we Missed 3D Selfie Zone " Due to Rain .... and we were walking towards a Restaurant for Food & Safe Place till rain gets Over...

we had some parottas and we stood for a few minutes and then we moved on towards Car Parking the time was around 10:00 pm when we came to the Car Parking area " it been 4 Hours we had Fun In exhibition..... which was wonderful and fun... and at 10:10 pm we Returned our back to home ... same Route " Bit Chill The Climate Conditions.... and minutes passed by I reached Home @ 10:30 pm... and it was wonderful time we had in Exhibition Bcoz we Covered almost all the adventure Play which was Fun and we should have Prepound our Journey to avoid " Rush in Exhibitions and we planned on Sunday and Moved at evening " so it was an amazing Time I experienced .... and Hope see u all in another Travel Experience of My Until then Baye Baye...



Vignesh Pillai

I am Vignesh Pillai am Business Owner, TravelBlogger

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