Exploring Thanjavur Palace
The Time was around 2:30 Pm in the afternoon I after Completing the Temple Visit in Kumbakonam we had Decided to Explore Thanjavur Palace which is located at the City Center of Thanjavur and it's on the Main Road .... on the Right Side I had Lunch @ Restaurant Which was about a Kilometer From Place the PLA Residency Thanjavur and I had a Butter Naan with Panner Butter Masala and Full Meals which was wonderful Lunch and Fastly I Completed my Lunch and we Left PLA Residency Thanjavur and We are Heading towards Palace the View of the Center of City was Like this which was an amazing thing to see...
and Going on towards the Palace Side and Traffic Conditions were Heavy and we were Moving Slowly and the Climate Conditions was Cool and Cloudy and Almost the Time was Getting Near to Late afternoon...which was around 2:45 pm in the afternoon the Beautiful things Happened Near the City Center of Thanjavur was wonderful to watch and entering the Palace Entrance we Stopped at the Entrance on the Right side of the wall we Could Find Paintings of Animals, Natraja and Cartoon on the Both the Side of the Walls of Thanjavur Palace which were Wonderful and Realistic to watch and Going towards Ticket Center the Time was around 3:00 pm the Ticket Fare for Indian is Rupees 10 per Indians and Rupees 50 Per Foreigners after Taking Tickets with Camera and we are Entering the Thanjavur Palace at the Start was Tamil Language Letters were Explained one by one and also the Kart Owned by the Thanjavur King and its family which were Kept in Start which was wonderful to Watch...

and Moving on the First room we Found a set of things like Huge Chest Box and Bowl and Pot and Chest Boxes which are Huge in size were Kept .....and Moving on next we saw Huge Charcoal Sticks and Cooking Items Like Stone which were used to Make Chutney and Grind Different Particles which were Used during Century ago by People which were Kept in an Order some are Small and Some are Large which were Kept in Order and on the Left Side we Could see Dresses Used by the King of Thanjavur and Equipment Used During His Rule and Costumes of Soldiers which were Wonderful to watch and Even Musical Instruments Like Flutes and Tablas and Many More were Kept in the Same Hall on the Right Side and Some weapons which were Kept inside the Glass and even Some Documents of that Century were Restored and Kept in the same hall which was amazing to watch and we Could See Huge Chain Tieing and Elephant Place so in Thanjavur, They Grow Elephants and in the Spaces and on the Right side of the room we saw Huge Instruments like Veena and Other Musical Instruments which were Wonderful to watch...
and Next Coming out of the First Room and Next side am Going to OtherSide we saw Few Interesting things Like Thanjavur Dancing Doll which was Indicating South Traditions which was Wonderful to watch on Left on the Right side we saw Mahabarth War Scene which was Made with Dolls and the Chariot with Horse which were Interesting to watch
This is the First Sector of the Palace which Consisted of the Thanjavur King and his Costumes and Weapons and Mirror and The Items Used By the Thanjavur King and His Family Century ago and its History and Moving Through Second Sector of The Palace which is located on the Other side of the Palace and u need to walk Few Meters to Darbar Halls and Natraja Museum...
The Second Sector of the Palace Consist of Natraja Museum Darbar Hall...
Moving Towards the Other Side of the Palace we saw a Beautiful Building with Wonderful architecture and Looking at the Climate and Clouds which were Dark and Overcasted Conditions it was Very Chill and Freezy and it was Like about to rain in Few Minutes and in the middle of this we saw a Nandi Statue which was Kept at the Center of Ground an amazing thing to Start and Moving towards DarbarHalls and Climbing the Steps and Reaching the Entrance of Darbar Hall which were Designed with Wonderful Architectural Design which was Wonderful to Watch
There was Various Architecture Design From Pillar to sealing which were amazing to watch From the Entrance and each has a Unique Design which was amazing to watch...
and I had Some Pics here which were wonderful and the Palace Darbar Hall was Cool inside and Chill air Breezing From Outside which were wonderful to Experience and took pic @ the Center of Darbar Hall and Behind me was the King Photo and no one is allowed in that palace Due to Privacy Issues and Moving on the Left-Hand Side of the Palace where it will take me to Natraja Museum which is Next Building and there is ShortCut to Reach The Natraja Museum... so I took that and Moving towards Natraja Museum From Darbar Hall The Entrance of the Natraja Museum was Open and there were Different Types of Natraja Statues in the Museum and Some Described as Avatars of Natraja....and I explored and covered all in the museum and Moving Towards the Next Side of the Thanjavur Palace we Found Bell Tower which is On the Left Hand Side its the Tower From Which u can see entire Thanjavur City and also Brihadeeswara Temple Gopuram amazing Bell Tower which was Huge
Since it was the Old Building and its Shape is Like Bell and its a Multiple Floors Building with Old Architecture Design and People were Allowed earlier But Nowadays they are Not allowed Bcoz of Few Incidents and Violations the Museum authority have Decided not to allow anyone on top and I took Selfie @ Down Next to the Bell Tower ...

The third Sector of The Thanjavur Palace
Consists of Museum of Royal Residence of
Entering the Other Side of the Palace Entrance which is Next to the Bell Tower and the Design on the wall of the Building was wonderfully Done with Painting of Brihadeeshwara Temple " Which is also Called as Thanjay Periya Kovi " which is Popularly Known in the City People.... and the Design was Wonderful and Realstics and Crossed the Hall and Our First View on the Left Side after Crossing the Building was the Nataraja Statue which was Kept For Viewers Attentions in Start...
The View at the Left Side of the Entrance was Nataraja Statute which was @ the Entry After the Room on the Opposite Side of the Statue was the Royal Residences of Thanjavur and its Associated Museum.... so after Seeing Nataraja Statue we Explored Few More Statue of Nataraja which is Interesting and Wonderful to Go Through and Next Building we are Moving towards the Royal Residences of Thanjavur King During the King Rule the View of the Building was Wonderful which was Like this
The Beautiful Architecture Designed Building with Glass and its Architecture was Designed wonderfully made and Entering the Royal Residence of Thanjavur the First View after Entering the Palace was the King Statue which was Wonderful to watch @ the Center of the hall the View Was Like This
The palace was Build in 1799 and it is located in the Center of the City and the Complex of this Residence consist of Royal Queen Courtyard and Durbar Hall on the Other Side and also Collections of Bronze Coins Used During Chola Period and the Statue of Raja Serfoji and also Few Collections of Nataraja Were also Kept in the same Room...
the Entrance was Serfoji Statue which was Kept on the Stage and which is the Center of the Huge Hall when u Look @the Sealing were Designed in Maratas Style and the Palace is also Called as Thanjavur Marathas Palace bcoz of its Architecture and wonderful the Entire Room were Made it Look Wonderful to Start and on the Left Side we Found Nataraja Statutes and Few More of its Types which were Used by King and His Family were Kept inside the Glass and Crossing the Center and on the Right Side of the Palace was the Collections of Bronze Coins Used During Chola Period and Old Documents Letters and E-Stamps were Kept as the Collections which were Interesting and Wonderful to Watch and Go Through and it were Kept in Glass and Moving to the End of The Museum on the Outside of the Building Entrance we saw " Dolmation Dogs Kept on Both the Sides and the Entrance was Wonderful Overall the Design was Really Wonderful and Coming to the Exit of the Palace we saw an Subway " Jail which is Below Bell Tower Building where the The Prisioners were Kept in the Jail During King Rule those Days and u are allowed to see From top and u were Not Allowed to Enter the Subway Bcoz of Building Construction work were Under Progress and Walking Back to Parking of the Palace where Our Driver Anna is and the Time was around 5:45 pm we have to Return Home Via Train our Train is @ 6:30 pm and it was the Right time to Return to The Railway Station we Came out the Palace and Made our Return to the Railway Station and we Returned Home Next Day Morning after Long Train Journey Hence it was a Wonderful Experience of My Travel and See u all in another Travel Journey Experience of My Until then Baye Baye .....